Adoption is a beautiful thing that provides a child in need of a loving family, with one. However, one of the biggest controversies that the adoption world is facing today is the issue of transracial adoption. Transracial adoption, also known as interracial…

Cobalt Wedding Bands Pros and Cons List
Cobalt is a type of metal that is commonly used to make wedding bands. It is a very strong metal that shines a bright white, making it very appealing.…

10 Pros and Cons of a Vasectomy
A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that cuts of blocks the tubes that brings sperm from the testicles to the penis. It is a form of birth control form…

7 Pros and Cons of Polygamy
Polygamy is a form of alternative marriage that allows a man to take on multiple wives. This form of marriage is very traditional and has been around ever since Biblical times, however many people believe that even then it was condemned. The lifestyle of polygamy…

The Pros and Cons of Zoos
Zoos are places that keeps and cares for a collection of all sorts of wild animals. They put these animals on display in order to allow the public to come and enjoy looking at and learning about. Some people have began to raise eyebrows at the level of ethics…

Permanent Makeup Pros and Cons List
Permanent makeup is just the same as any other permanent tattoo on your body. A tattoo gun is used to put pigment where you would normally apply makeup. Things like lip liner, eyeliner, and eye brow pencil are permanently inked into the skin. This is beneficial…

13 Pros and Cons of Gel Fuel Fireplaces
Fireplaces can be messy and difficult to install and maintain, which is why alternatives are being developed. One of these are gel fuel fireplaces. Gel fuel fireplaces use an alcohol based gel to produce the flame and heat. They are much different from traditional…

Online Education Pros and Cons List
In today’s busy world it may seem nearly impossible to go to school to get the education you want, but the emergence of online education has changed the game. Online classes allow you to complete classwork without having to leave your house, and at your…

Unbiased Longer School Days Pros and Cons
School is an unavoidable part of most children’s day for all of their childhood. On average, 8 hours a day is spent in the classroom learning, but is this enough? With more and more students falling below the standards for academic achievement, the idea…

12 Pros and Cons of Water Births
Many women opt to have a non traditional birthing experience with their pregnancies. Water births are just one of these options. These are births that occur in water, either a bathtub or a birthing tub. It is thought that being immersed in water simulates…