There are different tribes that may be found in the United States that people need to be familiar with. Getting to know some of these tribes is very important since it is one way of showing your awareness in terms of their culture and tradition. One of the…

Navajo Headdress
There are various important and colorful picturesque items that are commonly worn by the Navajo people. One of these is the Navajo headdress. The designs…

Navajo Holy People
Navajo people are considered as one of the most highly recognized groups of people who are living in some areas in the United States. Considering the…

Navajo Night Chant
Known as the Mountain Chant, the Navajo night chant is being given only during the winter season or hibernation. Apart from it, this is also being given as the wings started and the thunder storms ended. History Of The Night Chant For the Navajos, they believed…

Navajo Spindle
Navajo spindle is truly an example of the supported spindle. This is being used by Pueblo Indian and Navajo nations. This spinner is sitting on a chair or floor while the underneath area of the shaft is resting in the ground. The thigh, its topmost part and…

Navajo Clans
Do you have any idea bout Navajo clans? If no, then, this is your best way to expand your ideas. Navajo clans are being studied upon by a lot of professors. They have their significant role in the modernized life of the Navajos. The clans of Shonto are more…

Navajo Rain Dance
Navajo Rain Dance Have you heard about the history of the Native Americans? Then, you may be familiar with the Navajo rain dance. This is mainly popular among the tribes in Native America. This is because during the summer season, there is a long period of…

Navajo Kinship
The Navajo are being studied as the most interesting people around the world. Despite this fact, their own social organization is not yet understood. However, there are already theoretical approaches that best explain the Navajo kinship. Actually, the kinship…

Navajo Concho Belt
In the eighteen hundreds, Navajo Concho belt was typically fashioned and handmade from turquoise stone and silver metal. This belt is constructed from the leather strap along with Conchos or metal and stone that are fastened on the belt at uniform and regular…

Navajo Teepee
The Navajo people were in the past a nomadic tribe. During summer, these tribes live in brush shelters referred to as Navajo Teepee and during winter season, they practically lived in earth-covered lodges. People living in Navajo hunted antelope, elk and deer,…