Dingos are canines that live in Australia and Asia. Dingos have some unique features. They cannot bark but they can howl. They have rotating wrists unlike other canines which means that they can rotate door knobs and get into other things that typical dogs…

Interesting Desert Biome Facts for Kids
When you think of the desert you likely think about sand dunes, hot weather and barren space. You may be half right. The desert biomes around the world…

5 Cicada Facts for Kids
Cicada insects are long living insects. They can live up to 17 years which is unheard of in the insect world. There are two different kinds of Cicadas.…

Christopher Columbus Fun Facts for Kids
Christopher Columbus's is credited with discovering America. His real name was Cristoforo Columbo. He was the son of a wool weaver. He had three brothers and a sister. His family was working class, he was not wealthy. Early Life When he was young he and his…

Amazing Chinstrap Penguin Facts for Kids
The Chinstrap Penguin is arguably one of the best looking penguins. They have white faces and white bellies with a thin black line that separates their bellies and their faces. They are medium sized penguins that are full of character. They live in colonies…

Great Black Mamba Facts for Kids
The black mamba snake is the world’s fastest land snake. It is also one of the world’s most deadliest snakes. It is the longest venomous snake found in Africa. It is also quite an aggressive snake. They have a reputation for being vicious attackers that…

5 Betta Fish Facts for Kids
Betta fish sometimes referred to as Japanese fighting fish or Siamese fighting fish. Their nickname comes from their willingness to fight each other over their territory. Betta fish live in shallow water. They were originally discovered living in rice paddies…

Interesting Benjamin Banneker Facts for Kids
Benjamin Banneker was a man before his time. He is an African American that was completely self-taught. He was a mathematician, astronomer, tinker and author. He fought against great odds to self-educate himself in a time when African Americans had no rights…

10 Battle of Gettysburg Facts for Kids
The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most famous battles of the civil war. It was fought in Gettysburg Pennsylvania on July 1 1863. It was one of the most deadly battles of the civil war with the highest number of casualties. It lasted only 3 days but was…

7 Baboon Facts for Kids
Baboons have long dog like snouts and come in two different colors. They have very strong jaws and sharp canine teeth. They are olive in color or golden in color. There are 5 species of baboons. They live in both Arabia and Africa. Baboons do not have a tensile…