A traditional economy is one that is fueled by the local agriculture of the area that it is in. It is one of the oldest types of economies, that is supported by trade of goods and services, and is typically completely self sustaining. Developing regions in…

8 Pros and Cons of Quartzite Counter Tops
Quartzite is a type of rock, formed by sandstone, that is commonly used for kitchen counter tops. They offer a natural and sleek appearance to any kitchen.…

The Pros and Cons of Truss Bridges
There are many different types of bridge designs, each having it’s own unique strengths and weaknesses. Truss is one of these, and is possible the most…

Pros and Cons of Tungsten Wedding Bands
Tungsten is a type of metal that is found naturally on earth and has recently been adapted for the use of wedding bands and other types of jewelry. It has become highly popular due to it’s relatively low cost and sleek appearance. Some people may question…

The Pros and Cons of Reproductive Cloning
Reproductive cloning has sparked heated debates of morals and ethics among the scientific world and the population in general. It is the process of making an exact copy of a person, using embryos. So you could clone yourself, but they would start out as a…

Balanced Budget Amendment Pros and Cons List
A balanced budget amendment is something that has been in the works at a federal level for quite some time. What it means is that the country would not be able to spend more money than it brings in each year. This is an effort to lower the national debt of…

10 Pros and Cons of Three Gorges Dam
Nestled near the Yiling District in China, spanning across the Yangtze River, is the Three Gorges Dam. This monumental dam serves two main purposes: to help prevent traumatic flooding of the river and produce massive amounts of hydro power as the worlds largest…

Pros and Cons of Compulsory Voting
Compulsory voting is a law that requires all eligible citizens to register and show up to vote on election day. The most known government that enforces this system is Australia. Anyone who doesn’t show up at the designated voting center is subject to fines,…

Exclusionary Rule Pros and Cons List
The exclusionary rule is a legal statute that says no evidence that was gathered illegally can be used as evidence in a court of law. The main reason that this rule was developed was to ensure police do not conduct an excessive amount of unlawful searches…

9 Lingual Braces Pros and Cons
In today’s modern world there are many different options for people that want to get braces to correct their smile. Lingual braces are one of the many popular new choices when it comes to this. They are just like traditional braces, but with one catch, they…