/ Pros and Cons / 9 Lingual Braces Pros and Cons

9 Lingual Braces Pros and Cons

navajocodetalkersadmin on May 19, 2015 - 3:50 pm in Pros and Cons

In today’s modern world there are many different options for people that want to get braces to correct their smile. Lingual braces are one of the many popular new choices when it comes to this. They are just like traditional braces, but with one catch, they are behind your teeth instead of in front. This means that they are completely invisible to the outside world, unlike traditional braces which are very visible. Many people believe that lingual braces will be the new norm for anyone looking to straighten, or correct, their teeth. Let’s look closer at all of the benefits and drawbacks you experience from lingual braces.

The Pros of Lingual Braces

1. Least Visible
The biggest pro of lingual braces is the fact that they are virtually invisible. This allows you to experience the effect of braces without having to let everyone know. This makes them a great option for adults.

2. Wide Variety Of Designs
There are multiple different bracket systems that have been developed for lingual braces. This allows them to custom fit your braces to your specific case, further increasing the effectiveness.

3. Fully Customized
Everything, down to the wires used in your lingual braces, are completely custom made for your mouth. This ensures the absolute best results at the fastest rate possible.

4. Always Working
With other invisible braces, like Invisalign, the braces can be taken on an off. While they are on, they are working, while they are off, they are not. With lingual braces, they are attached to the teeth, which means they are always working.

5. Beautiful Smile
And, of course, a big pro of lingual braces is achieving the smile you have always dreamed of! This is a big deal for people who have struggled with imperfect teeth their entire life.

The Cons of Lingual Braces

1. Takes A Little Longer
Since the hardware has to be custom made for each adjustment, the entire process can be stretched out just a little bit. The process is typically held up for around 2 to 3 months with lingual braces when compared to traditional braces.

2. Cost
Also having to do with the customization, the cost for lingual braces is higher. Many dental insurance agencies will not cover lingual braces because they are deemed “cosmetic”. This means that you will likely pay out of pocket if you opt for lingual braces.

3. Speech Problems
Lingual braces are fixed to the back of the teeth, which invades the space for the tongue. This often causes problems with speech for at least a few weeks after the braces have been put on.

4. Discomfort
Due to the area of the mouth that the braces reside, after each tightening, pain in the tongue and gums is often felt for up to a week. Wires poking the cheek or tongue is also very common.

5. Difficult To Keep Clean
Because of their placement, keeping lingual braces clean is a huge challenge for most. Food easily get’s lodged into the wires and can create tooth decay and bad breath. Reaching them effectively is difficult and often has to be done at the orthodontist.

Important Facts About Lingual Braces

  • The average price for lingual braces is around 10,000.
  • Not many dentists are trained to apply and manage lingual braces.
  • There are a wide variety of brands offering lingual braces, including Incognito.
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