NAFTA, which is the North American Free Trade Agreement, came into effect in 1994. It is an agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico that created one of the world’s largest free trade zones and set the foundations for economic growth in the…

9 Prominent Advantages and Disadvantages of a Monarchy
A monarchy is a form of government where only one person or group rules the entire country. This most often involves a royal family. In this case, the…

8 Primary Advantages and Disadvantages of Labor Unions
Labor unions are organizations that represent groups of employees that work in a certain industry or company. They negotiate with the corporation about…

9 Far-Reaching Advantages and Disadvantages of GMOs
Genetically modified organisms, more commonly referred to as GMOs, are plants, animals, or humans that whose DNA and genes are scientifically altered to obtain specific results. The most common reference to GMOs today is in our food, mostly because this is…

11 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization
Globalization is one of the biggest political topics of our time. It is the idea of a fully integrated world, where every country works together, communicates, trades, and shares information. The biggest reason that this has become such a widespread idea is…

9 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is the scientific practice of manipulating the genes of a living organism. It is most commonly used in crops, but also has useful applications in humans, animals, and other organisms. This can be done by altering the structure of the DNA…

8 Predominant Advantages and Disadvantages of Experimental Research
Experimental research is a research design that many researchers use to test their hypothesis on any given subject. It means that one or more of the variables involved are controlled or changed in order to reach a conclusion. It is commonly used because the…

7 Compelling Advantages and Disadvantages of the Electoral College
The Electoral College. A term I'm sure most Americans have heard at least once or twice, but very few actually understand all that it does or the reasons that we have it. The Electoral College is the way that we elect a new president and vice president every…

8 Remarkable Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Democracy
A direct democracy is a variation of democracy that many people believe would be more effective than the form that most countries operate underneath now. Also called pure democracy, a direct democracy is where the citizens vote directly on the bills, policies,…

8 Compelling Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy
Democracy is a type of government that is by the people. This means that all citizens of the country have a say in the way that the government is ran and the decisions that are made. Democracy has been deemed as one of the most effective and successful types…