Advancements in technology, and a better understanding of the way that genes and DNA works has brought us to some pretty spectacular possibilities. One of these is the fact that we may be able to bring back animals that have been long extinct! Animals like…

7 Significant Pros and Cons of Censorship
One of the biggest issues being debated in today’s society is the matter of censorship. Censorship is when any type of media, such as movies, music,…

11 Prominent Pros and Cons of Cell Phones
Cell phones, or wireless telephones, are devices used to communicate that do not require you to be plugged into anything. Instead of using physical land…

6 Biggest Pros and Cons of Capitalism
Capitalism is a type of economic system that just about every single country in the world currently operates under. Instead of the government running the economy and controlling the wealth in the country, individual people or corporations do it. This is the…

9 Chief Pros and Cons of Beauty Pageants
Women, young girls, and even men, gather all around the world to compete in beauty pageants. A beauty pageant are competitions that focus on the appearance, skills, and techniques of the people competing. These types of competitions have come under quite a…

8 Big Pros and Cons of Arranged Marriage
IN the majority of marriages, the spouse is chosen solely based on a feeling of love. However, in many cultures, marriages are not based on love at all. Arranged marriages are ones where the family of the two people getting married have chosen the spouse for…

8 Meaningful Pros and Cons of Arch Bridges
An arch bridge is a type of bridge that has been used all through out history. The unique design and versatility of it's uses have made it a staple in bridge design for as long as we can see. It is set up with two abutments that act as base points for all…

9 Integral Pros and Cons of Animal Testing On Cosmetics
Every single ingredient that is used in cosmetics has been tested on animals. Animal testing is one of the most comprehensive and accurate ways to determine if a product is safe for human use or not, and in most cases animal testing results are required in…

7 Strongest Pros and Cons of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson is one of the most important men in the United States and world’s history. He was elected as the seventh president of the United States in 1829 and remained in office until 1837. His beliefs and work founded what is now known as the Democratic…

8 Prevailing Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action
Affirmative action is a set of laws, actions, and policies that have been set in place by the government in order to protect the minority communities. It was set into place after the historical civil rights movement in the 1960, in order to further show the…