8 Compelling Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy
Democracy is a type of government that is by the people. This means that all citizens of the country have a say in the way that the government is ran and the decisions that are made. Democracy has been deemed as one of the most effective and successful types of government, which propelled it into being the most popular form. As with any type of government, it’s true success is based on how happy the people that live in it truly are. Understanding all of the good and bad that democracies have to offer will help you develop a much better and more educated opinion on it’s use.
Advantages of Democracy
1. Everyone Get’s Involved
One of the biggest advantages of democracy is the fact that just about everyone can be involved in the government workings. People have the ability to vote for their representatives, leaders, and even policy and law changes that they feel should be implemented.
2. Change Is Real
If something needs to be changed, it can actually be done. While it may certainly take some time and some work, democracy gives people a voice and a real possibility to change things that they do not believe in. This is one of the founding characteristics of a democratic government.
3. No One Has All The Power
In a democracy, no single person or group has all of the power. This decentralization of power ensures that the rights of all people are ensured and corruption doesn’t take over. Many other forms of governments have a fatal flaw in this area of power distribution.
4. Terms Ensure Efficiency
Since people must be voted into political offices, there are also term limits to how long they can be in power. Once this time is over, they must either be re elected or step out of office. This makes sure that the people are always represented the way that they want to be.
5. Equality Is Promoted
Each person has the equal right to vote in elections for political leaders. This does have some exclusions of course, such as felons. Just as each person can vote, each person’s vote counts the same. This is another core value of democracy, equality.
Disadvantages of Democracy
1. Not Everyone Is Educated
Since everyone is permitted to participate in important elections, the outcome can be less than desirable. This is due to the fact that many people are not entirely educated on the issues and the people that they are voting for.
2. Influence Is Easy
Outside parties that have a large influence over the public can have a pull in who they want to be elected. This is often due to monetary or personal gain. People like celebrities, who reach a wide audience, can influence the votes of young and other misinformed people. This is one of the biggest downfalls of the democratic system.
3. The Minority Often Gets The Shaft
Since democracy caters to the wants and needs of the majority, the minority groups often get completely over looked. Laws and policy often negatively effect people who are not part of the majority, which is a pretty large percentage of the population. This is one characteristic of democracy that comes under the most criticism from opponents.