There are some people in history that are remembered for their dedication to certain movements that shaped the world we live in today. Susan B Anthony was one of these special individuals. She was an activist that played a major role in the women’s rights…

4 Amazon Rainforest Facts For Kids
Tropical forests are simply forests that are located in specific climates with tropical temperatures and increased rainfall. There are a number of tropical…

5 Isaac Newton Facts For Kids
When you think about some of the most brilliant minds to ever exist, Isaac Newton is one of the individuals that climbs to the top of your list. He Revolutionized…

Navajo Natural Resources
The ancestral lands of the Navajo Nation are rich in natural resources. Their lands lay in northeastern New Mexico, southeastern Utah and northwestern Arizona. Although the land itself is arid, dry and, at times, inhospitable, beneath the dirt and rock lays…

9 Frederick Douglass Facts For Kids
Slavery is a part of history that is painful to remember, but there were many heroes along the way that bravely fought for the rights of all no matter race or color. Frederick Douglass was a prominent figure in the Abolitionist Movement, which was the fight…

4 White Tailed Deer Facts For Kids
Not all species of deer look exactly the same. There are a number of different types that have distinguishable characteristics that set them apart. The white tailed deer is a beautiful animal that has a unique diet, habitat and behaviors. Here is a closer…

4 Tropical Rainforest Facts For Kids
Are all forests the same? Some forests are a bit more unique than others and reside in specific climates. A tropical rainforest is the term used to classify forests that experience high amounts of rainfall. This leads to unique emperors, which results in specific…

5 Red Eyed Tree Frog Facts For Kids
When you think of a frog, you might assume that are all the same, but there are a number of different species. Red eyed tree frogs are brilliantly colored and have unique leaping abilities that make them incredibly unique. Their eyes are the most distinguishable…

10 Puffer Fish Facts For Kids
Oceans, lakes and rivers are filled of with fish of all different shapes, sizes and species. The puffer fish is one of the most exotic looking fish that you can find. It is also referred to as the blowfish and is known for having a slow or almost clumsy swimming…

6 Piranha Facts For Kids
At a glance, the piranha might not look very intimidating, but it is actually one of the deadliest and most dangerous animals living in water. If you ever find yourself in water swimming nearby a piranha, you will be very lucky to escape without getting bitten…