/ Category / Fun Facts for Kids
4 Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts

4 Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts

December 20, 2014 - 12:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

The tyrannosaurus rex or t-rex is probably one of the most widely known dinosaurs that was ever in existence. It is known for its large size, enormous head and teeth, and its short arms. The t-rex also had a large tail that balanced its oversized head. While…

11 George Washington Carver Facts For Kids

11 George Washington Carver Facts For Kids

December 19, 2014 - 6:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

George Washington Carver was an American inventor and scientist, and what is called a botanist. A botanist is someone who studies plants so they can know…

7 Walrus Facts For Kids

7 Walrus Facts For Kids

December 19, 2014 - 12:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

The walrus is a sea mammal meaning that while it spends much of its time in the ocean, it’s not a fish. Many people can easily recognize a walrus by…

4 Tasmanian Devil Facts For Kids

4 Tasmanian Devil Facts For Kids

December 18, 2014 - 8:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

The Tasmanian devil is probably best known to children from cartoons, where it’s depicted as a speechless, spinning animal that eats just about everything in its path. While this isn’t actually the most accurate way to describe a real Tasmanian devil,…

10 Sea Otter Facts For Kids

10 Sea Otter Facts For Kids

December 18, 2014 - 3:55 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

A sea otter is a very friendly creature that can exist on land but which spends most of its time in the ocean. The sea otter is known for its thick fur coat which keeps it warm in the cold waters where it lives and for its very friendly nature. Even though…

4 Monarch Butterfly Facts For Kids

4 Monarch Butterfly Facts For Kids

December 17, 2014 - 8:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

The monarch butterfly is one of the largest butterflies in existence and is probably the most common type of butterfly in America. It is known for its large black and orange wings and can be seen flying south in large groups during what is called migration…

5 Macaroni Penguin Facts For Kids

5 Macaroni Penguin Facts For Kids

December 17, 2014 - 6:12 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

Penguins are a fun animal to watch and they’re a favorite animal to see when you visit a zoo. They look like they’re wearing little tuxedos or suits and have a funny way of walking and of swimming. There are actually many different types of penguins and…

19 Juan Ponce De Leon Facts For Kids

19 Juan Ponce De Leon Facts For Kids

December 16, 2014 - 8:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

Juan Ponce de Leon, or just Ponce de Leon as he’s often called, was a Spanish explorer who became the first governor the country of Puerto Rico, and who actually discovered the state of Florida. Ponce de Leon named the state of Florida and was traveling…

4 John Cabot Facts For Kids

4 John Cabot Facts For Kids

December 16, 2014 - 12:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

John Cabot was an Italian explorer who lived from the years 1450 to 1499, and who sailed from Europe to what is now North America, being sent there by King Henry VII of England. It is believed that Cabot landed in what is now called Newfoundland, in Canada,…

7 Hyena Facts For Kids

7 Hyena Facts For Kids

December 15, 2014 - 8:07 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

1. A hyena is an animal that lives almost exclusively in Africa, and while it looks very much like a dog, it’s actually closer to the cat family than anything else. They are fast and good hunters and will catch other animals with their teeth rather than…