/ Fun Facts for Kids / 4 John Cabot Facts For Kids

4 John Cabot Facts For Kids

navajocodetalkersadmin on December 16, 2014 - 12:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

John Cabot was an Italian explorer who lived from the years 1450 to 1499, and who sailed from Europe to what is now North America, being sent there by King Henry VII of England. It is believed that Cabot landed in what is now called Newfoundland, in Canada, and was the first explorer to find that part of the world since the Vikings had traveled there many centuries before.

If you’re interested in history and how so many foreigners arrived in the area that is now America and Canada, check out some fun facts about Cabot.

Early Life

1. Cabot was apparently a man who grew up in a wealthy household but who got into debt later in life. He left Italy and headed to Spain to avoid those who were trying to put him in jail for his debts. After living in Spain for some time he then moved to England, probably in about 1495. It was living in England that led to him being sent to the New Word, as the land of America and Canada was then called.


2. As soon as he arrived in England, Cabot became interested in traveling to the New World. Christopher Columbus had already voyaged there in 1492, and there were many stories about the New World and how much land was available, and many people in England and other places wanted to travel there to live or claim the land for themselves. Cabot decided on a different route than Columbus however, and while his first voyage was very short and he had to turn back quickly, his second voyage was much more successful.

3. After reaching the New Word, Cabot and his crew returned to England to report on what they found, and they set off for another voyage. This time they were given more money and more goods to use on their journey and to trade. However, the ships were lost at sea and never found. Some believe that Cabot may have returned to London and spent the money given to him for the journey, and others believe he may have landed in a country along the western coast of the U.S. and stayed there.

4. Cabot’s son followed in his father’s footsteps and became an explorer, traveling to the same area of his father, but the real story of what happened to Cabot may never really be known!

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