Navajo Willow Tree
Also known as the globe willow, Navajo willow tree is being grown in New Mexico and western Colorado. It looks like it has been shaped into a cute and perfect ball. Its adaptability and fast growth rate make it suitable to all soil conditions. Even one grows on wet and drought locations. It also looks like it is planted in partial sun or full sun.
Its flowers are being produced in the early months of springs. Even green leaves have their silvery underside. The leaves also turn into yellow color during the fall season. This firewise plant attracts the bees when it blooms.
In addition, Navajo willow tree has its lollipop shape and upraised branches. It has the tendency to get branch and trunk damage from the winds. It is also vulnerable to pests and diseases.
Apart from it, it is prized because it prefers to grow on moist soils. It also has its corresponding ability and tolerance to occasional droughts. If you are interested in growing Navajo willow tree, you need to give it with extra care for it to survive the climate.
Navajo willow tree grows three feet every year. It also reaches its height that the canopy spreads for almost seventy feet. It also has its lifespan of forty to one-hundred fifty years. The bark and branches are yellow for maturing and young tree. Other Navajo willow trees are known for their trunk circumference that reaches for about one-hundred fifty inches.
In the spring season, the leaves are green that darken to medium green and yellow. The flowers during the spring season have their bottle-brush shape. Capsule fruits also appear during the summer season.
Navajo willow tree tolerates a vast array of soil that include of loam, poor soil, sand and clay. This does not also require for soil pH. This is cold hardy that tolerates a full sun into partial shade.
Just by digging a wide hole and breaking the compacted layers, the tree is planted for two to four inches on top of the surrounding lawn. This further allows for excess water in draining away and preventing root rot.
As per the young willows, they have their tender bark that they must be wrapped prior to the two winters. Even mature trees mainly require watering on a daily basis; from ten to seventeen days.
Diseases and Pests
Navajo willow tree is resistant to the verticillium wilt. This is also susceptible to many different insects like beetle borers, spider mites, aphids, and caterpillars. Also, it is susceptible to diseases like blights, sooty mold, rust, rots ad anthracnose. The treatment usually involves fungicide or insecticide.
Some of the serious problems include sappy, smelly, slimy and flux. They kill old and young trees that the main treatment is on removing decaying and damaged tissues on the wood.
Navajo willow tree or globe willow is mainly popular as an accent tree or shade tree for water features or lawn. This drops branches and leaves when it is healthy. Although this may be messy, in times of high winds or environmental stress, it may shed larger branches.