Arctic Hare Facts for Kids
The arctic hare is a very unique animal that has physical characteristics and eating habits that make it different from other animals. The arctic hare is also referred to as the polar rabbit and is a species of the hare that lives in the polar region. The reason that arctic hares can survive in parts of the world that are so cold is due to the unique dense fur that covers the arctic hare. This coat of fur is dense, soft and silky.
1. Large Lagomorphs
Artic hares are one of the largest lagomorphs in existence. The average size of their body is about 45 to 70 cm long and they also have a tail that is typically 10 cm in length. They normally weight anywhere from 6 to 14 pounds, but are still nimble and can run about 40 miles per hour. They are used to the cold temperatures due to their thick coat that helps them adjust to polar climates. Normal rabbits can’t survive in polar climates, but arctic hares thrive in this environment. They might look similar to rabbits in their appearance with tall bodies and short ears, but that is where the similarities end.
2. Predators
They are able to run at a speed of about 40 miles per hour, but they can still fall victim to some predators. Their most fierce predators include arctic wolves, arctic foxes and even ermine. Their unique speed is not enough to keep them out of harm’s way at all times. They might look similar to snowshoe hares, but they are not one in the same.
3. Newborn Baby Arctic Hares
Newborn baby arctic hares are not born with the ability to see. They are blind at birth and are extremely helpless as a result. However, when they are born into burrowed holes they are protected by a warmer climate until their fur becomes denser and their sight improves.
4. What Do They Eat?
The arctic hare actually feeds on woody plants primarily. However, they are also known to eat grass, leaves, buds and berries. It is their sense of smell that helps them most when hunting for food. They have the ability to eat meat, but this is not what they eat the most of. Their ability to dig helps them to find many twigs that are buried in the snow to eat on.