/ Fun Facts for Kids / 9 Green Sea Turtle Facts for Kids

9 Green Sea Turtle Facts for Kids

navajocodetalkersadmin on January 24, 2015 - 10:00 am in Fun Facts for Kids

Throughout the world, there are many different species of animals, all who come in various shapes, sizes, as well as colors. These species also differ in behavior and mating, as well as several other attributes that makes them unique in their own ways. Tropical and subtropical coastal areas have many animals that inhabit their locations, and among these animals, is the green sea turtle. To the average person who doesn’t know what the green sea may appear as a regular large turtle to them. While this is a fair assumption, it is not necessarily true, as there are many features that make the green sea turtle a worthwhile creature to learn about.

What Is The Green Sea Turtle?

1. Green sea turtles usually make their habitats near tropical/subtropical coastal areas, in which their name is derived from their skin color, as opposed to the belief that is attributed by their shell.

2. These turtles have large capaces, also known as “shells” which are usually brown or olive, depending on the turtle’s location and habitat in the world.

3. Green sea turtles are the largest of shelled turtles, and their weight resounds this fact, as their weight can reach up to 700 pounds. That is a very large turtle.

4. Currently, scientists are debating on whether or not to split two species of green sea turtles apart, or to keep them as different species or subspecies, as they are similar in behavior and characteristics. The two species are the Eastern Pacific Green Turtle (coastal waters ranging from Alaska and Chile) and the Atlantic Green Turtle which lives off the shores of Europe and America.

5. Green sea turtles, like many other turtles, have an impressive lifespan as they can reach up to 80 years old. That is very impressive for turtles, as turtles are known to face several problems and conflicts during birth, as well as adulthood.

6. Eating patterns change from young turtles to old, as child turtles tend to eat more meat than plants, while adult sea turtles typically stick to herbivore meals that is typically grass and algae.

7. Mating generally occurs between 2 and 4 years, and during this time many eggs will be birthed, sometimes up to 200.

8. During this time is the most dangerous the turtle will ever go through, as there is much danger due to crabs and other sand based creatures want to feed on the eggs.

9. Green sea turtles are currently endangered, but with further education and protection laws being developed, the green sea turtle population might be restored to a healthy number.

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