The vast lands of the Navajo Nation have always provided food for the people of the tribe, whether it was from foraging, hunting or farming the lands. The Navajo have farmed their lands for hundreds of years, growing maize, squash, beans and many fruits, including…

15 Squanto Facts for Kids
Squanto is one of the most famous Native Americans of our time. Born in Cape Cod around 1580, Squanto ended up becoming a well-known figure among the…

17 Geothermal Energy Facts for Kids
Fossil fuels like gas are not a sustainable fuel! That means that once it is depleted there is no more fuel. Scientists are working very hard to find…

14 Trail of Tears Facts for Kids
Throughout the history of the United States, many Native Americans have lived in various parts of the United States. In fact, many of those tribes still claim much of the land that their ancestors once called a home. The Cherokee Native Americans, however,…

15 Swordfish Facts for Kids
Swordfish. This type of large predatory fish is best known for its long flat bill that highly resembles a sword. A tropical and temperate fish, they mostly live in warmer parts of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean in deep waters. Besides being known for…

17 Puffin Facts for Kids
Puffins. These interesting creatures are a type of small bird best known for their brightly colored beaks that appear during their breeding seasons. Sea birds by nature, they're mainly found in places where land and water co-exist. Several different species…

21 Poseidon Facts for Kids
In early Greece and Rome there were stories of Gods that ruled the earth and the seas. There was a God that would explain the weather and how the earth changed from one season to another. It has been man's quest since the beginning of time to better understand…

8 Daniel Boone Facts for Kids
Daniel Boone was an American frontier man! He was an explorer and helped to “discover” what was beyond the east in the US. Daniel Boone was born in 1733 in Pennsylvania. He was described as a restless boy that liked to wander. 1. Apparently his wanderlust…

8 Little Blue Penguin Facts for Kids
The Little Blue Penguin is also called a Fairy Penguin or simply Blue Penguin. They are a species of penguin that measure just less than 13 inches tall and weigh about 3 pounds as adults. They are in fact the smallest species of Penguin. 1. They have blue…

16 Black Widow Spider Facts for Kids
The Black Widow spider has a pretty bad reputation. No one wants to encounter one, even the people that do not mind spiders so much will do their best to avoid the black widow spider. The black widow spider is the most poisonous spider in North America bu…