Great Zebras Facts for Kids
Zebras are one animal that just sticks out due to their unique appearance. You might not realize it, but zebras are actually a part of the horse family. Much like other species of horses, zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight. Here are some more interesting and fun facts about zebras that you might not be aware of.
1. Zebra Herds
Zebras often times travel in packs or groupings and the lead male zebra will remain at the back of the group. This is to fight with any predators that try to sneak up on the traveling group of zebras. Due to the unique patterns that zebras have, it is very hard for lions or other predators to pick out just one zebra to chase if they are grouped together.
2. Patterns of Zebra Stripes
Not all zebras have the same stripe patterns. It should be noted that stripes differ in zebras among species. This means that some species have wider stripes, but other species of zebras have narrower stripe patterns. If you are traveling down the African plains, you will notice that the stripes of the zebra will begin to be further and further apart as you continue to travel south. The stripes of a zebra are so unique that each and every zebra has their very own pattern. This is very similar to the way that every person has their own unique fingerprint pattern.
3. Communicating
Zebras communicate primarily by using facial expressions and demonstrative noises. They can make loud sounds that are similar to barking and can also make a sound that is close to a low snort. The position of their ears and the amount of wideness in their eyes is a direct signal of communication. If a zebra positions their ears flat, this means that following orders is required. Showing their teeth is also a signal that can’t be missed.
4. The Teeth of Zebras
Zebras have teeth that grow during their entire lifetime. This is due to the constant grazing and chewing that they do. Zebras normally use their sharp front teeth to tear the grass and use their duller back teeth to grind the grass before they swallow. This results in teeth that wear out over time, but their teeth continue growing. Zebras are almost always on the move looking for fresh grass and water, but normally always stay in their herds to keep predators at bay.