8 Profound Pros and Cons of Corporal Punishment in Schools
Corporal punishment is a very hot button issue in the United States right now, especially when it’s questionable use in the public school system. Corporal punishment has been around for ever, this is when physical violence is used in order to punish or correct a behavior in a child. The most common ways that these punishments are given are by spanking with a paddle or stick, slapping, or even pinching. Should educators really be given the authority to physically punish children, or is this something that should be left up to the parents.
The Pros of Corporal Punishment in Schools
1. An Effective Behavior Adjustment
Corporal punishment is one of the most quick and effective ways to discipline a child who is acting up. Children who are misbehaving become a quick distraction to the entire learning environment and corporal punishment allows this to be dealt with in a quick and swift way.
2. It’s Doesn’t Cost A Thing
Many other types of punishments within a school cost the school quite a bit of money. Things like after school or weekend detention cost time for the supervisors and the facilities to be ran after hours. Corporal punishment is a completely free form of discipline.
3. Instills Sense of Right and Wrong
One big part of a developing child’s behavior comes from understanding the difference between right and wrong. When a student is acting incorrectly or does something that is generally accepted as “wrong”, they are punished in a way that teaches them very quickly.
The Cons of Corporal Punishment In Schools
1. A Misuse of Abuse
When you begin to give teachers and other people who are not the parents the freedom to dole out such severe punishments, then these people may begin to abuse this power. There is no true way to determine if a child truly deserved the punishment or if it was simply because a teacher was frustrated or fed up. You also have to be concerned about any injury that may come to the child, and who would be held responsible….if anyone.
2. Violence Promotes More Violence
A child who learns that violence is the solution to problems will begin to use violence to solve their own problems. Teaching that any form of violence is every okay can cause major problem with children as they get older. This is one of the biggest issues surrounding corporal punishment in schools.
3. Students Become Afraid
A school should be the one place that all children feel safe and comfortable. Corporal punishment brings in an air of fear through out the entire school. Children should learn to behave by understanding the importance of good behavior, not simply because they are terrified of being physically hurt.
4. The Mental Harm is Real
Another big problem surrounding the use of corporal punishment within schools is the fact that it can cause severe mental anguish that may stick with the student for a long time. It can cause a long lasting problem with authority, and an extreme dislike of schools and the education systems. This also causes mental anguish for the person who is responsible for punishing, because they may not feel comfortable administering such a violent punishment.
5. There Are Better Ways
Despite all oft he other issues with corporal punishment the biggest and most relevant is the simply fact that there are better alternatives to discipline children than using violence. With all of the negative things that can come from corporal punishment, there are very few pros that outweigh them. Things like extra school work, parent meetings, and other methods of discipline would surely have a much better outcome for everyone involved.