/ Fun Facts for Kids / 4 Statue of Liberty Fun Facts for Kids

4 Statue of Liberty Fun Facts for Kids

navajocodetalkersadmin on March 11, 2015 - 12:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids

There are some symbols that are more recognized than others. One of the most famous symbols in the United States of America is the Statue of Liberty. This statue is a symbol of freedom that resides on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, New York City. This statue was originally designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi in 1886 and was gifted to the United States by France. The statue is of a robed female that represents freedom carrying a torch. The date inscribed on the Statue of Liberty is July 4, 1776. This date has significance because it is tied to the Declaration of Independence.

1. How Was it Sent?

Since the Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States by France it had to be sent here. It was constructed in France and was sent using creates to be assembled on a pedestal once it reached the United States. The Statue was not actually dedicated until October 28, 1886.

2. Broken Chain

One aspect of the Statue of liberty that can be difficult to see is the broken chain that lies near the foot of the Statue of Liberty. This broken chain is not easy to see from the ground, but it has a lot of significance and meaning. It symbolizes finally breaking the chains that bind and gaining freedom. The official name of the Statue of Liberty is actually “Liberty Enlightening the World.”

3. Renovations to the Statue

Maintaining the statue doe take work over time and it has been closed on multiple occasions. In fact, the Statue of Liberty was actually closed for about 2 years from 1984 to 1986 when the torch was replaced internally. However, the size of the statue has not been changed over time and it still stands 151 feet tall and 305 feet in height from the highest point of the torch to the ground.

4. Funding the Project

The project to have the statue of Liberty constructed was difficult due to lack of funds. This was especially true after the economic downfall of 1873. However, it was a fundraising drive that New Yorkers to part in that raised most of the funding. Many people donated to the project as most of the donations were less than $1 in total.

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