/ Fun Facts for Kids / 18 Chipmunk Facts for Kids

18 Chipmunk Facts for Kids

navajocodetalkersadmin on January 2, 2015 - 10:00 am in Fun Facts for Kids

When you think of chipmunks, you may automatically think of Alvin. But chipmunks are actually wild creatures that look a lot like squirrels. And although they do not sing like Alvin and the gang, they do make noises. Want to learn more about the real life chipmunks? If so, then read on.

1. The native areas where chipmunks make their homes in North America is most of Canada, as well as the eastern US.

2. You can recognize a chipmunk from its red or gray-brown fur with various lighter or darker stripes on their heads, back, and sides.

3. Chipmunks are closely related to squirrels. Unlike squirrels, though, they create homes and storage underground by burrowing.

4. Most chipmunks put away much more food in their burrows than they can eat. This act is call hoarding food.

5. These underground burrows are very clean. Chipmunks might gather mosses, leaves, and grass to make areas of their burrows more comfortable.

6. Entrances to burrows are also carefully hidden by chipmunks.

7. Some of these burrows can actually stretch below the surface of the earth up to 30 feet. They can also be up to 3 feet wide.

8. Chipmunks hibernate throughout the winter. However, once every few days they get back up, eat, raise their body temperature, and use the restroom.

9. By making chirps and noises, chipmunks communicate with one another. Most people describe them as sounding like birds when they talk to one another.

10. Each chipmunk has pockets in its cheeks where they can carry food. These pockets can expand to up to 3 times their original size.

11. On average, a chipmunk will grow from around 7 to over 8 inches. Their body is only about half this length, however. The rest is their tail.

12. Most chipmunks will live from 2 to 3 years, total.

13. Just like humans, chipmunks are omnivores. This means they will eat veggies, fruits, seeds, meat, nuts, and more.

14. Each year, female chipmunks can have from 2 to 6 babies.

15. A group of chipmunks together is called a scurry of chipmunks.

16. Some farmers do not like chipmunks and even see them as pests due to their burrowing.

17. Chipmunks have four toes on each of their front feet. On their back feet they have five toes.

18. Despite their cuteness, chipmunks are actually pretty territorial. Some birds and other various animals actually avoid them because they tend to be very protective of their homes and food.

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