/ Pros and Cons / 9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networking

9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networking

navajocodetalkersadmin on June 15, 2015 - 4:21 pm in Pros and Cons

Computer networking is when a group of computers are connected and can share information, materials, and data among themselves. This advancement in technology has completely changed the way that businesses run and manage their information, it has streamlined and secured processes that before could lag behind and be infiltrated easily. However, while there are many different positive things that have come about because of computer networking, there are certainly some downfalls as well. Let’s take a close look at all of the benefits and drawbacks of using computer networks.

Advantages of Computer Networking

1. Increased Storage
Since there is more than one computer system being utilized with a network, the amount of files that can be stored increases dramatically. If for any reason one computer’s memory begins to run low, the memory of the additional computers on the network can be used.

2. Flexible Access
The network can be accessed from any computer and from any location. This makes it great for business that are on the go because all of the information and data can be accessed at any time. This also is great for any employees who need to work from a different location for any reason.

3. Inexpensive To Implement
By sharing resources among many different people and computers, you cut costs for hardware and software. Money is also saved when looking at the increased capabilities for memory in the computers involved with the network.

4. Easy Communication
Communication among people in the business can easily communicate within a computer network. They can also share files, data, presentations, or other important things that would have been difficult to share before.

5. Everything Stays Updated
When you are working on a computer network, you have the ability to ensure that all of your employees files and software stay up to date at all times. It makes it much simpler to manage your employees using a computer network.

Disadvantages of Computer Networking

1. Security Concerns
Since all computers are linked, the entire network can be put at risk if even just one person comes across a virus or malware application. This can greatly impact the security of sensitive information that pertains to your business.

2. Small Issues Cause Big Problems
If there is a problem anywhere in the network, than the entire network is shut down. This could greatly effect productivity because if a single computer is down, then everyone’s ability to work is down as well.

3. Requires A Skilled Manager
There are many different things that a person must know about in order to effectively run, manage, and maintain a computer network. This often requires the hiring of an outside person to help keep up with any issue that may occur.

4. A Lack of Freedom
The intense monitoring that can be done through a computer network turns many people off. This is because every single thing that they do can be monitored and is recorded. To some this may seem like a huge pro, but the majority of people that would have to use the computer network would highly disagree.

Important Facts About Computer Networking

  • The internet is the biggest computer network in the world.
  • In 1996 the U.S. Department of Defense started to research the use of computer networks in depth, the study was named Arpanet.
  • Some of the most important terms to understand when it comes to computer networking are protocols, topology, ethernet, and local area networks.
  • The flow of information in a network is controlled by routers.
  • The average pay of a computer network administrator in 2010 was 66 thousands dollars per year.
  • Certifications to maintain and run a computer network is among the most popular in the IT fields.
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