/ Pros and Cons / 11 Advantages and Disadvantages of the European Union

11 Advantages and Disadvantages of the European Union

navajocodetalkersadmin on June 30, 2015 - 7:43 pm in Pros and Cons

The European Union, most commonly referred to as the EU, is a union of 28 different countries in Europe that have established political and economic policies. All of these countries came together in hard times in order to ensure the financial stability of Europe as a whole. There are many different things that go into a country’s decision to join the European Union, all of which you can learn about more in depth below.

The Advantages of the European Union

1. Trading Free of Taxes
Taxation can greatly hinder international trade. This is one of the biggest benefits that members of the European Union enjoy. No additional taxation improves not only the trade of the countries, but the economy as well.

2. More Opportunities For All
Another thing that countries involved in the EU can do is move freely between other member countries. This allows people to bring their skills to places that they would be best utilized, which is beneficial for countries who may not have as many people skilled in some jobs as others.

3. Culture Remains
In order to preserve the culture of each individual member country of the European Union, there is no “official language” associated. Each country still remains independent, and there culture is not infringed upon in any way.

4. The Same Currency
All inter country business, travel, and all other things are made extremely simple because all member countries of the European Union operate with the same type of currency, the euro. There is no confusion about converting money, no differences in value, and everything is made much easier.

5. Conflict Is Kept To A Minimum
Political, social, and economical peace is one of the main goals of the EU. The members are forbidden from entering into any major issues with one another, in an effort to maintain the unionized image that the union has established.

The Disadvantages of the European Union

1. Language Barriers
While there is a common currency between the union countries, there is no common language. This becomes a big problem whenever the European Union needs to address the union as a whole. It makes it more difficult and more expensive to communicate.

2. Shared Wealth Is Not Always Good
All of the wealth and debt of the countries involved in the EU are shared. This may seem like a great thing, but it is certainly not. If one country begins to lose a large amount of money, it hurts countries that had nothing to do with the problem. On the other side of that, countries that have the ability to become world leaders are held back by the restrictions of the EU.

3. High Member Fees
In order for a country to stay in the European Union they are forced to pay a very hefty fee. For example, the fee for Britain to stay in the EU is upwards of a billion pounds! Many people argue that this cost alone outweighs any money that would saved from trade.

4. It Has Borders
Another big dilemma surrounding the EU is the fact that it can only expand so far. Only European countries are permitted to join, which makes them a large target for countries outside of the region.

5. Big Government Isn’t Better
While each country in the Union still has their own government, the European Union can trump them in almost any situation. This power that is taken from the country could easily be misused and extort the country’s government and people.

6. All For One
All of the rules, laws, policies, and regulations the the European Union sets for it’s members are not in their individual best interests. Instead, the focus is on strengthening the EU as a whole, rather than each country. Big countries tend to benefit much more than smaller countries in the union.

Important Facts About The European Union

  • There are currently 28 members of the European Union. They are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the U.K.
  • In 2007 the EU was classified as the biggest and most successful economy in the entire world.
  • Greece is currently in a debt crisis that is threatening many countries, including Ireland and Poland.
  • The European Union was founded in 1951, by Winston Churchill, as a result of World War II.
  • No matter the home language, all countries must teach their students the English Language.
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